Purple Privacy Statement

Purple Food Ltd (“Purple”, “we”) process personal data of their users of Purple’s food ordering services (“Purple App”) and the visitors of the website www.purpleapp.net (“Website”).

In this Privacy Statement, the word “Purple Services” refers jointly to the Website and the Purple App. In this Privacy Statement, the word “User” or “you” refers jointly to our’ customers, representatives and other authorized users of our customer organizations, potential customers and the users of the Purple Services. Our Privacy Statement explains, for example, the types of personal data we process, how we process the personal data and how you may exercise your rights as a data subject (e.g. right to object, right of access).

Some of our services might be subject to a separate privacy policy. If a separate privacy policy applies to a particular service, we will post it in connection with the service in question.

This Privacy Statement may be updated from time to time in order to reflect the changes in data processing practices or otherwise. You can find the current version on the Website. We will not make substantial changes to this Privacy Statement or reduce the rights of the Users under this Privacy Statement without providing a notice thereof.


This Privacy Statement applies to processing of personal data carried out by Purple.

In relation to the processing of personal data of Users in the below countries,  Purple Food Ltd. is acting as joint data controllers. This means that  Purple Food Ltd. determine the purposes for and means by which personal data is processed. The country-specific joint controllers are listed below:

Purple Food Ltd., EL Wasia St. 891, 3007500 Kafr Qari'a, Israel, if the User is located in Israel.

Purple Food Ltd. has been appointed responsible for handling all data subject requests and questions relating to the personal data processing


Name:  Purple Food Ltd.
Business ID:
Correspondence address:
EL Wasia St. 891, Kafr Qari'a 3007500 , Israel
E-mail address: support@

Purple has appointed a data protection officer who you can reach through the above contact details.


The personal data collected and processed by us can be divided into two general data categories: User Data and Analytics Data.

User Data

User Data is personal data collected directly from you or from our customer organization on behalf of which you are using the Purple Services (“Customer Organization”), as the case may be. We may collect User Data from our Users and Customer Organizations in a variety of ways, including, after conclusion of a service agreement with the Customer Organization or when Users register to the Purple Services, subscribe to a newsletter or fill out a form. Further, please note that we also collect details of any transactions and payments you carry out through the Purple Services.

User Data that is necessary in order to use the Purple Services

The following personal data collected and processed by us is necessary in order for a proper performance of the contract between you and us as well as for our legitimate interest whilst fulfilling our contractual obligations towards our Customer Organizations and for the compliance with our legal obligations.

After conclusion of the service agreement between us and the Customer Organization, the Customer Organization provides us with your full name and email address.  

When you register to the Purple Services and create a user account, you need to provide us with the following information:

·       full name

·       telephone number

·       email address 

·       information relating to your payment instrument(s) such as the number of your payment instrument(s) and the expiration date of your payment instrument(s) (required for the purposes of ordering food products via the Purple Services, however not stored by Purple, since Purple uses a third party payment service provider for processing of payments)

User Data you give us voluntarily

Your user or customer experience may be enhanced by providing us with the following information: 

Additional Account Information:

·       a picture

·       delivery address

·       location data (if you consent to the processing of your location data)

·       other information you provide either when creating a user account or later when modifying your account profile

Other Information. We may also process other information provided by you voluntarily such as:

·       information you provide when rating our services

·       marketing opt-ins and opt-outs

·       information you provide by phone or in email or chat correspondence with us, including call recordings of your calls with our customer service 

In addition to User Data collected from you and the Customer Organization, we process certain personal data third party service providers provide about you. 

If you connect or login to your account with Facebook, Facebook shares with us personal information about you such as your profile picture, a sample of your Facebook friends and your Facebook ID. 

Analytics Data

Although we do not normally use Analytics Data to identify you as an individual, you can sometimes be recognized from it, either alone or when combined or linked with User Data. In such situations, Analytics Data can also be considered personal data under applicable laws and we will treat such data as personal data.

We may automatically collect the following Analytics Data when you visit or interact with the Purple Services:

Device Information. We collect the following information relating to the technical device you use when using the Purple Services:

·       device and device identification number, device IMEI

·       country

·       IP address

·       browser type and version

·       operating system

·       Internet service providers

·       advertising identifier of your device

·       visitor identifier

Usage Information. We collect information on your use of the Purple Services, such as:

·       time spent on the Purple Services 

·       interaction with the Purple Services

·       information on your orders made through the Purple Services

·       the URL of the website you visited before and after visiting the Purple Services

·       the time and date of your visits to the Purple Services

·       the sections of the Purple Services you visited

·       the products you searched for while using the Purple Services


We use various technologies to collect and store Analytics Data and other information when the Users visit the Purple Services, including cookies and web beacons.

Cookies are small text files sent and saved on your device that allows us to identify visitors of the Purple Services and facilitate the use of the Purple Services and to create aggregate information of our visitors. This helps us to improve the Purple Services and better serve our Users. The cookies will not harm your device or files. We use cookies to tailor the Purple Services and the information we provide in accordance with the individual interests of our Users. 

The Users may choose to set their web browser to refuse cookies, or to alert when cookies are being sent. For example, the following links provide information on how to adjust the cookie settings on some popular browsers: 

Google Chrome
Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox

Please note that some parts of the Purple Services may not function properly if use of cookies is refused.

A web beacon is a technology that allows identifying readers of websites and emails e.g. for identifying whether an email has been read. 

Web analytics services

The Purple Services use Google Analytics and other web analytics services to compile Analytics Data and reports on visitor usage and to help us improve the Purple Services. For an overview of Google Analytics, please visit Google Analytics. It is possible to opt-out of Google Analytics with the following browser add-on tool: Google Analytics opt-out add-on.

Advertising and visitor identifiers

The Purple Services use pseudonymized identifiers to track and predict your app and service usage and preferences.

You can opt-out of the use of these identifiers by changing your operating system settings as follows:

Advertising identifiers can be disabled on iOS mobile devices by turning on the Limit Ad Tracking tab (Settings  Privacy  Advertising  Limit Ad Tracking). For an overview and more information on the advertising identifier, please see Apple Advertising and Privacy site.

Purple visitor identifiers can be disabled on iOS and Android mobile devices by changing your settings (for iOS: Settings  Purple  Purple settings  Limit Tracking, and for Android: Purple application  Profile tab  Settings icon in the top-right corner).



There are several purposes of the processing of your personal data by Purple:

To provide the Purple Services and carry out our contractual obligations (legal ground: performance of a contract and legitimate interest)

Purple processes your personal data to be able to offer the Purple Services to you under the contract between you and Purple or between Customer Organization and Purple. 

We use the data for example to handle your payments or any refunds (where applicable) and to provide our partners (the restaurants and our courier partners) with the information necessary for the preparation or delivery of your order. If you contact our customer service, we will use the information provided by you to answer your questions or solve your complaint. 

For our legal obligations (legal ground: compliance with a legal obligation)

Purple processes data to enable us to administer and fulfil our obligations under law. This includes data processed for complying with our bookkeeping obligations and providing information to relevant authorities such as tax authorities.

For claims handling and legal processes (legal ground: legitimate interest)

Purple may process personal data in relation to claims handling, debt collection and legal processes. We may also process data for the prevention of fraud, misuse of our services and for data, system and network security.

For customer communication and marketing (legal ground: legitimate interest)

Purple processes your personal data to contact you regarding the Purple Services and to inform you of changes relating to them. Your personal data are also used for the purposes of marketing the Purple Services to you. 

For quality improvement and trend analysis (legal ground: legitimate interest)

We may also process information about your use of the Purple Services to improve the quality of the Purple Services e.g. by analyzing any trends in the use of the Purple Services. In order to ensure that our services are in line with your needs, personal data can be used for things like customer satisfaction surveys. When possible, we will do this using only aggregated, non-personally identifiable data.

Legal grounds for processing

Purple processes your personal data to perform our contractual obligations towards you or the Customer Organization and to comply with legal obligations. Furthermore, we process your personal data to pursue our legitimate interest to run, maintain and develop our business and to create and maintain customer relationships. When choosing to use your data on the basis of our legitimate interests, we weigh our own interests against your right to privacy and e.g. provide you with easy to use opt-out from our marketing communications and use pseudonymized or non-personally identifiable data when possible.

In some parts of the Purple Services, you may be requested to grant your consent for the processing of personal data. In this event, you may withdraw your consent at any time.

If you place an order with a Partner who is selling you medicine or other products and services relating to your health, Purple may process a limited amount of personal data concerning your health  in connection to such order. Purple processes the personal data to the extent necessary to perform the contract between you and Purple for purposes of managing and delivering your Order. Purple adheres to any additional safeguards that apply to processing such personal data under applicable laws and regulations. If required under applicable laws, Purple will ask for separate consent for processing such personal data and you may withdraw such consent anytime through your profile settings or contacting Purple support services at support@purpleapp.net.

For Users located in Israel:By entering, connecting to, accessing or using the Purple Services, you agree and consent to the terms and conditions set forth in this Privacy Statement, including to the collection, processing, transfer and use of your personal data which is collected as part of the Purple Services. If you disagree to any term provided herein, you may not access or use the Purple Services. You also acknowledge and confirm that you are not required to provide us with your personal data and that such information is voluntarily provided to us. 


Purple stores your personal data primarily within the European Economic Area. However, we have service providers and operations in several geographical locations. As such, we and our service providers may transfer your personal data to, or access it in, jurisdictions outside the European Economic Area or the User’s domicile. 

We will take steps to ensure that the Users’ personal data receives an adequate level of protection in the jurisdictions in which they are processed. We provide adequate protection for the transfers of personal data to countries outside of the European Economic Area through a series of agreements with our service providers based on the Standard Contractual Clauses or through other appropriate safeguards.

More information regarding the transfers of personal data may be obtained by contacting us on any of the addresses indicated above. 


We only share your personal data within the organization of Purple if and as far as reasonably necessary for the purposes of this Privacy Statement.

We do not share your personal data with third parties outside of Purple’s organization unless one of the following circumstances applies:

For the purposes set out in this Privacy Statement and to authorized service providers

To the extent that third parties (such as the restaurants which prepare your order, our courier partners who deliver your order and Customer Organization which may pay your order) need access to personal data in order for us to perform the Purple Services, we provide such third parties with your data. Furthermore, we may provide your personal data to our affiliates or to authorized service providers who perform services for us (including data storage, accounting, sales and marketing) to process it for us and to payment service providers to process your payments to us.

When data is processed by third parties on behalf of Purple, Purple has taken the appropriate contractual and organizational measures to ensure that your data are processed exclusively for the purposes specified in this Privacy Statement and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations and subject to our instructions and appropriate obligations of confidentiality and security measures.

Please bear in mind that if you provide personal data directly to a third party, such as through a link in the Purple Services, the processing is typically based on their policies and standards.

For legal reasons and legal processes

We may share your personal data with third parties outside Purple if we have a good-faith belief that access to and use of the personal data is reasonably necessary to: (i) meet any applicable law, regulation, and/or court order; (ii) detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, crime, security or technical issues; and/or (iii) protect the interests, properties or safety of Purple, the Users or the public as far as in accordance with the law. When possible, we will inform you about such processing.

For other legitimate reasons

If Purple is involved in a merger, acquisition or asset sale, we may transfer your personal data to the third party involved. However, we will continue to ensure the confidentiality of all personal data. We will give notice to all the Users concerned when the personal data are transferred or become subject to a different privacy statement. 

With your explicit consent

We may share your personal data with third parties outside Purple when we have your explicit consent to do so. You have the right to withdraw this consent at all times free of charge by contacting us.


Purple does not store your personal data longer than is legally permitted and necessary for the purposes of providing the Purple Services or the relevant parts thereof. The storage period depends on the nature of the information and on the purposes of processing. The maximum period may therefore vary per use.

Most personal data relating to a User’s user account with the Purple Services will be deleted after a period of 90 days have lapsed after the User has deleted its user account with the Purple Services. Thereafter, a part of the personal data relating to a User’s user account with the Purple Services may be stored only as long as such processing is required by law or is reasonably necessary for our legal obligations or legitimate interests such as claims handling, bookkeeping, internal reporting and reconciliation purposes. All personal data relating to a User’s user account with the Purple Services will be deleted within a period of 10 years after the User has deleted its user account with the Purple Services, with the exception of personal data required in certain rare situations such as legal proceedings.

We will store Analytics Data of Users that do not have an account with the Purple Services for a period of 90 days.


Right of access

You have the right to access and be informed about your personal data processed by us. We give you the possibility to view certain data through your user account with the Purple Services or request a copy of your personal data.

Right to withdraw consent

In case the processing is based on a consent granted by the User, the User may withdraw the consent at any time free of charge. Withdrawing a consent may lead to fewer possibilities to use the Purple Services. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

Right to rectify

You have the right to have incorrect or incomplete personal data we have stored about you corrected or completed by contacting us. You can correct or update some of your personal data through your user account in the Purple Services. 

Right to erasure

You may also ask us to delete your personal data from our systems. We will comply with such request unless we have a legitimate ground to not delete the data. 

Right to object

You may have the right to object to certain use of your personal data if such data are processed for other purposes than necessary for the performance of the Purple Services or for compliance with a legal obligation. If you object to the further processing of your personal data, this may lead to fewer possibilities to use the Purple Services.

Right to restriction of processing

You may request us to restrict processing of personal data for example when your data erasure, rectification or objection requests are pending and/or when we do not have legitimate grounds to process your data. This may however lead to fewer possibilities to use the Purple Services.

Right to data portability

You have the right to receive the personal data you have provided to us yourself in a structured and commonly used format and to independently transmit those data to a third party.

How to use your rights

The abovementioned rights may be used by sending a letter or an e-mail to us on the addresses set out above, including the following information: the full name, address, e-mail address and a phone number. We may request the provision of additional information necessary to confirm the identity of the User. We may reject or charge requests that are unreasonably repetitive, excessive or manifestly unfounded. 


The User has the right to prohibit us from using the User’s personal data for direct marketing purposes, market research and profiling made for direct marketing purposes by contacting us on the addresses indicated above or by using the functionalities of the Purple Services or the unsubscribe possibility offered in connection with any direct marketing messages.


We use administrative, organizational, technical, and physical safeguards to protect the personal data we collect and process. Measures include for example, where appropriate, encryption, pseudonymization, firewalls, secure facilities and access right systems. Our security controls are designed to maintain an appropriate level of data confidentiality, integrity, availability, resilience and ability to restore the data. We regularly test the Purple Services, systems, and other assets for security vulnerabilities. Furthermore, access to personal data by employees of Purple is restricted and access is subject to what is necessary for purposes of the employee’s work assignments.

Should despite of the security measures, a security breach occur that is likely to have negative effects to the privacy of the Users, we will inform the relevant Users and other affected parties, as well as relevant authorities when required by applicable data protection laws, about the breach as soon as possible.

Purple Food Ltd. has been appointed responsible for handling all data subject requests and questions relating to the personal data processing of the Purple group on behalf of the local joint controllers.

In relation to the processing of personal data of Users in other countries than the ones listed above,  Purple Food Ltd. acts as the sole data controller.